Last Updated on June 1, 2022 by Gary Stephen
Do you have a cheese plant (also known as Monstera Deliciosa) at home? Does it ever look like your Monstera is Dripping Water and you want to know why?
Not to fret, you know we’ve got all the answers!
Monstera Dripping Water
Don’t you just love a cheese plant? You’re not alone – this oh-so-gorgeous plant continues to take social media by storm, as a pretty-as-a-picture must-have plant in many homes.
So, when the leaves of a cheese plant are full of water, it’s easy for them to burst if they come into contact with strong sunlight. As the dawn breaks, the leaves’ heads grow red and can begin to exude drops of sap that look like tears. These teardrops (water dripping from Monstera) you are witnessing are known as dew drops.
So, not to worry, your gorgeous plant isn’t sad!
These drops can be easily confused with dew settling onto the plant’s surface. Dew drops can be caused by rain or by moisture evaporating from the soil.
The guttation of the leaves of a cheese plant can be observed as early as early spring, but the evenings and nights are warmer, so the cheese plant exudes more. The dew drops can be caused by a process known as guttation.
Guttation occurs when the plant tissues become fully saturated with water. Then, under very high humidity, water begins to be lost from the leaves of a cheese plant via the cuticle pores, making the surface of the leaves moist.
This phenomenon is called guttation, meaning “to drip like a drop.” The drops are sometimes colored by the pigments carried inside them.
When the top of a cheese plant’s leaves turns red, these red-colored lines on the leaves that look like tears are called guttation or dew drops. They usually earn their nickname because of the dew-drop shape they have. If you’re familiar with succulents, you will know that guttation is fairly common in this family of plants.
Do Cheese Plants (Monstera Deliciosa) cry: Is guttation the same as dew?
No, guttation and dew aren’t the same. The number and size of guttation drops (also known as dew) can vary under different weather conditions. For example, in a tropical country experiencing a lot of rain or a tropical climate with high humidity, guttation drops are large and frequent.
This “dew” is water rich in salts and sugars that seeps out of the leaves at the plant’s top. Since it’s rich in salts and sugars, it lacks nutrients and has a distinct smell.
For the best care of your cheese plant, ensure that you take care of it appropriately and water it correctly. It’s a good idea to water it every day during its growing seasons and less frequently when it’s not growing. If you have a cheese plant in your home or office, it’s best to water it every day to keep it close to 80 degrees F (27ºC) and never below 70 degrees F (21ºC) in the area where you place it.
What’s great about this plant is that it’s quite tolerant. If you forget to water it now and then, or the temperature in your home or office gets lower than 70 degrees ºF, it will still be okay – but if you are not used to taking care of plants, you should be careful, especially when caring for a succulent.
Is guttation bad for your plants?
For most cheese plants, this phenomenon is completely harmless. However, some species can suffer from the phenomenon of guttation when their growing seasons have been extended with a partial water source.
These plants can lose their leaves if they are prone to guttation. This can cause a problem, as leaves are one of the main sources of energy for plants. Since guttation can be a problem for your plant’s growth, it’s always best to reduce guttation if you are trying to grow your cheese plant to create more branches.
Are guttation drops dangerous for people?
When guttation occurs on cheese plants, it is completely harmless. The fluid contains sugars and minerals, and although it does smell, it contains certain vital substances for the plant.
Therefore, you should be sure not to put your lips on the plant, even though the taste is refreshing and has a distinct sensation. Remember that you should also always be careful when watering your plants. If you water your plant in the sink or tap, you should avoid getting it in your mouth.
When guttation occurs in broccoli, for example, it contains similar substances and needs to be treated with caution. The substances may cause it to taste bitter. This similarity between guttation and broccoli can be misleading, as the two substances are completely different.
How do I care for my cheese plant – Monstera Dripping Water?
The cheese plant may look like other potted plants in your home, but it has a very special lifestyle. This plant requires a specific environment to live in. This environment must be full of light, humidity, warmth, and of course, water.
Furthermore, the cheese plant is a type of epiphyte. This means it does not need the earth to grow, but it can grow on the earth if necessary. It is not easy to grow a cheese plant, but it is very rewarding (have you seen those photos!). To grow your cheese plant correctly, you should plan and know what the plant needs for its energy and water.
What does my cheese plant eat? 
The cheese plant feeds off of the light. When you take it out of the pot, you’ll notice that it looks like a thin vine that grows on top of the water’s surface. This is because the root never reaches the water under the water’s surface. The roots absorb the water from above the water.
This plant has unique roots that can absorb water and nutrients from the air. This is why lighting is so important for the growth of the plant. Too little light may cause your plant to not absorb enough water. This could cause significant problems in the future growth (or lack thereof) for your plant. This type of plant can rot if it gets too wet.
Since the plant does not need to have earth to grow, it can live in any environment. It grows in the air, on trees, and in your home. It can adapt to grow on anything capable of holding water. How nifty! It doesn’t even need soil or water to grow, only a few drops of water per day.
To give your cheese plant a competitive advantage, you will need to regularly provide it with the best possible soil and water. It would be best if you also had an eye on your environment too. This will allow the plant to live in harmony, giving it the unique opportunity to grow in any environment.
Does guttation happen in every plant?
Guttation occurs in most types of plants, so don’t worry. It is a form of transpiration. The only way any plant can make its food is through the photosynthesis process. In this process, water is needed for the plant to produce energy and carbs. It is this process that makes the guttation process possible.
Guttation is related to a plant’s response to a lack of water. A left dry plant for an extended period of time creates conditions that make guttation more likely.
If a plant is not properly watered, guttation will occur. This occurs because as the roots absorb water from the air, water is drawn from the leaves into the xylem. This is why you should be careful when watering your plant. It is very important that you only add water when the soil needs it. You should never saturate the plant.
Wrapping up about Monstera Dripping Water
Monstera Deliciosa, also known as cheese plants, have taken social media by storm and it’s quite easy to see why: how gorgeous are those luscious leaves! If you have one of these beautiful plants at home, you may have wondered why on earth they’re crying? These droplets, in fact, are a result of the process called guttation. In this article, we’ve discussed the what, where and why of this process, as well as the necessary steps you can take to make sure your gorgeous cheese plant stays in tip-top shape and is always camera ready.