Last Updated on July 16, 2020 by Gary Stephen
Have you ever heard of wheatgrass juice? I am sure you have. This guide is about how to grow wheatgrass and use them to make juice from it. Drinking this juice is healthy for your body. Buying it from the groceries may cost you a lot. To overcome the cost you can grow your own wheatgrass. The Wheatgrass is filled with chlorophyll which helps to detoxify your body. It does not need much space. You can make it a habit of taking wheatgrass juice every morning. This way your body will have important nutrients and vitamins. This is necessary to stay healthy. If you are planning on having it every day, it is best to grow them.
This guide shows simple techniques with which you can grow the wheatgrass. Also, you must know wheatgrass may be a rare item to find in the groceries. So, I would suggest growing your own would make sure that you can drink the juice every day. Doctors suggest that a glass of wheatgrass juice can cover up a whole day’s nutrition. You can encourage your children to have it if they do not like eating vegetables. All you have to do is make it a tasty and fun juice for them.
Steps on how to grow wheatgrass
Growing wheatgrass is not a big task. If you know the steps of how to grow wheatgrass, it is very simple. Below I have discussed the step by step process for growing them.
Step 1: Items you need

There are a few things you need to collect before starting the whole process. These items are:
- Organic wheatgrass sprouting seeds- It is best to use organic seeds. This ensures better quality and taste when the wheatgrass is fully grown. Also, the organic seeds will increase the yield.
- Organic potting soil and fertilizers– It is important to use good soil. Also, fertilizers must be organic. These will ensure that the plants receive proper nutrients.
Plastic gardening trays with holes- If you use plastic tray you can reuse it. 16 inches by 16 inches tray is good enough to support for a couple of weeks.
- Spray bottle– Try to use a small spray bottle. This helps to ensure that you do not overflow the tray with water.
Step 2: Germination of seeds
Germination is the first step on how to grow wheatgrass. Take 2 cups of seeds. Measure it according to the size of the tray. Check the tray should fill only one layer. Then clean the seeds with water by putting them inside a strainer. After that put them in a bowl that’s filled with cold water. Soaking them in water helps in germination.
The seeds should take up one-fourth of the tray and the water should take three-fourth. Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and leave it for 10 hours. After this drain the water and then again replace it with cold water. Repeat this soaking process 3 times. And each time the wheatgrass should be soaked for 10 hours. By the end of the process, you will seed small roots that have come out of the seeds. Drain the water and keep them in the bowl.
Step 3: Planting the seeds
At first, put a chemical-free paper towel on the tray. The paper towel is usually used to prevent roots from growing outside the holes of the tray. Then, put a layer of organic potting soil and fertilizer on the tray. Even them. After this, put an even layer of seeds on top of the soil. Try to spread the seeds so that seeds are all over the tray and not piling up in one area. How to grow wheatgrass is not a mystery. You need to plant the seeds in a proper way. Do not bury the seeds inside the soil. Rather press them in a light manner. Spray a little water on top of the seeds. Then cover it with a moistened paper to protect the seeds.
It is vital to keep the seeds moist for the first few days. In the morning, water in a way that the soil is damp but the tray is not flooded with water. And in the evening sprinkle some water to help them stay damp overnight. This is very important so that the seeds can root themselves on the tray. On day 4 remove the paper that is on top. This way you encourage the seeds to grow upwards. Then continue the watering process for one more day. Remember, wheatgrass is a delicate plant. You cannot put them in direct sunlight. They need a place where they will receive partial sunlight.
When it is day 5 you can reduce the amount of watering. By this time the grass will be around 1 inch long. Water the tray once every morning. Do not overwater but keep the soil damp. If it is humid in your region, there are chances to have mold problems. It is a common problem. When harvesting, you can cut off the parts that got affected by mold. This is the seed planting process to grow wheatgrass.
Step 4: Harvesting
The correct time to harvest is when you see a split. The split means the second blade of grass will start to grow with an existing blade. The grass is ready when it is day 9 or 10. By this time, they are 6 to 7 inches tall. Use a scissor to harvest. Cut the grass from above the seeds. If there is mold. You can skip the part of the mold and cut it from above. After harvesting, you can continue watering to have a second batch of wheatgrass. After this, you can clean the whole tray to start fresh. Maintain the above process to grow wheatgrass.
You can store the harvested wheatgrass for a week in the refrigerator. It is best to harvest right before you want to make a drink. To make a glass of wheatgrass juice it takes a bunch of them. If you are willing to drink it every day with your family, then, I would suggest you do it with more trays. So, you can maintain a daily routine.
How to make juice out of wheatgrass?
If the wheatgrass is grown in organic soil and fertilizers, they do not need heavy cleaning. Rinse them with water to remove any sort of dust or dirt. In the market, you may find special juicers that are made for only juicing wheatgrass. Take a bunch of wheatgrasses. Put them in the juicer and within minutes you will have a glass of goodness. Do not use a regular juicer. Instead, use a blender. Blend the wheatgrass and then strain them into a glass to have a drink. Remember, do not drink more than one ounce of wheatgrass juice.
Final words
In the end, the mystery of how to grow wheatgrass is solved. In this guide, I have come up with the shortest and simplest way to grow them. Wheatgrass has important vitamins and minerals that fulfill a person’s daily nutritional needs. Also, it has powerful healing properties. So, I would suggest that you take a drink of wheatgrass every day. Also, encourage your children to drink it. This way you can make sure they will lead a healthy life. learn more about gardening from our MyGardenPlant blog.